Yoga for Autumn: Balancing Our Winds
In-Studio Workshop with Teacher Pattie McCann
$10 includes handouts with practice notes, recipies, and more
Ayurveda, yoga’s sister health science, divides all life energies into three primary categories called doshas. These primary energies are present in us and the world around us, but each season has a dominant energy and for fall that’s Vata dosha.
Vata is composed of air and space and governs movement in our body---all the movement of heart, blood, breath, and nervous system. That association with our nervous system often reflects in our mental state and the predominance of Vata during autumn can affect our emotional balance.
Ayurveda has some prescriptions for ways to keep ourselves in balance for this season with Vata balancing recipes, routines, and yoga practices that support us. This class will be primarily discussion with just a short asana practice. If you’ve ever wanted to dig a little deeper into the ancient health system of Ayurveda, here’s a chance to learn more about how it works as you
learn ways to balance your system for the season. Participants will receive a handout with more info, recipes, and a printout of the practice so you can follow up at home.
Please pre-register online.
All levels are welcome - even those with no yoga experience at all!
See our mask policy on our main page.